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I so enjoyed the Hebrew and Shabbat Liturgy courses that not only will I continue the Hebrew, but I will gladly retake the Liturgy course to see it in a new light from a future point in my Jewish journey. Sharon is a careful, attentive teacher who bubbles over with joy for her subjects, and the courses empowered me to understand and access more in synagogue services and minyan. Most highly recommended!
-Vesta Svendsen, Member

Jewish learning turns our attention in four directions: 

INWARD — cultivating qualities of heart and mind that grow our souls; 
OUTWARD — creating personal relationships and profound connections within the embrace of a spiritual community;
UPWARD — enabling us to revitalize and nurture intimate relationships with the Divine Presence; 
FORWARD — inspiring a community of spiritual practice toward making meaningful change in our world. 

Lifelong Jewish learning is a core value of our synagogue — we know that it can transform our understanding of ourselves and our world, nurture our spirituality, and join our hearts with our minds. Growth (hitlamdut, literally a “learner’s stance”) fosters intellectual development, self-awareness, and an enduring faith. Come join us as we draw insight from the wisdom of Torah and navigate the thought-provoking world of Jewish history, ideas, and identity — find a learning program that works for you in our Adult Engagement and Experiences Guide

upcoming Classes & Events

Below is a sample of upcoming events geared toward adult learners. For a complete listing of classes, celebrations, schmoozes and noshes, browse our calendar here. 

TuesdayTue, 6 AugAugust, 2024

Introduction to Modern Hebrew

Tuesday, Aug 6th 7:30p to 8:30pJoin us this summer for an introduction to conversational Hebrew. This course will introduce you to basic vocabulary, useful phrases, and foundational grammatical concepts in modern Hebrew.


WednesdayWed, 7 AugAugust, 2024

Modern Hebrew for Advanced Beginners

Wednesday, Aug 7th 7:30p to 8:30pJoin us this summer for a 10-week, modern Hebrew class for advanced beginners offered on Zoom. If you already took our Introduction to Modern Hebrew or you are an advanced beginner, this class is for you.


MondayMon, 12 AugAugust, 2024

Tish'ah B'Av Evening Service

Monday, Aug 12th 8:00p to 10:00p


TuesdayTue, 13 AugAugust, 2024

Introduction to Modern Hebrew

Tuesday, Aug 13th 7:30p to 8:30pJoin us this summer for an introduction to conversational Hebrew. This course will introduce you to basic vocabulary, useful phrases, and foundational grammatical concepts in modern Hebrew.


WednesdayWed, 14 AugAugust, 2024

Modern Hebrew for Advanced Beginners

Wednesday, Aug 14th 7:30p to 8:30pJoin us this summer for a 10-week, modern Hebrew class for advanced beginners offered on Zoom. If you already took our Introduction to Modern Hebrew or you are an advanced beginner, this class is for you.



MORE Programming Examples

A little bit of this, a little bit of that! Our YouTube library is chock-full of soul-stirring speeches, thoughtful Q+As, and diverse teachings.

Itching for more ‘inspo?’ Every week, Rabbi Eric and Rabbi Jenny publish videos to share their teachings and infuse new meaning into our traditions and practice: Rabbi Eric’s Morning Torah videos are aired on Friday mornings and Rabbi Jenny’s Minhah Moments for Meditation are posted on Tuesday afternoons.

Tu B’shvat and Modern Eco-Kashrut: Ethical Eating for Today’s World

Review and Analysis of The National Mah Jongg League’s 2024 Card

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784