Senior Luncheon: How Did Beth Meyer Synagogue Look the First Time You Saw It?
Tuesday, Feb 25th 12:00p to 1:30p

Celebrating 150 Years of Jewish Life at Beth Meyer Synagogue
Motzei Shabbat, Mar 8th 7:00p to 10:00p
WZO Speaker: Between October 7th and 8th — What Israel's "Day After" Will Look Like
Tuesday, Mar 11th 7:30p to 9:00p

Institute for Jewish Spirituality Meditation
Monday, Feb 24th 12:30p to 1:00pIn partnership with Institute for Jewish Spirituality (IJS), join Rabbi Jenny on Zoom as she presents a live, short teaching and a guided meditation sit afterward.

Senior Luncheon: How Did Beth Meyer Synagogue Look the First Time You Saw It?
Tuesday, Feb 25th 12:00p to 1:30p

Minyan Limudi
Wednesday, Feb 19th 5:30p to 6:00pAs a collaboration between the shul and the school, Kramer Religious School will be “hosting” Wednesday minyan on the third Wednesday of each month during the academic year. Religious school parents are invited and encouraged to attend! This is still our regular Wednesday minyan and congregants should attend as usual.

Havurat Shabbat
Friday, Feb 21st 6:30p to 7:15pHavurat Shabbat is a Kabbalat Shabbat service specifically for prek-5 religious school families. We center each service around songs and tefilah that the students are learning in class.

World Wide Wrap
Sunday, Feb 23rd 10:00a to 11:00aOur fifth grade religious school class has been working on a unit on tefillin and the project "wraps" up with a special service led by Rabbi Eric. Congregants are invited to join us, with a special invitation to our fifth grade parents.

Kadima Bake Off!
Sunday, Feb 23rd 2:00p to 4:00pBring your best kitchen skills and creative ideas and we'll have a Kadima Bake/Cook Off! No cost for this event.

Hamantaschen Baking Marathon
Sunday, Mar 9th 12:00p to 5:00pBring the family and bake some hamantaschen. You make a batch, take half home, leave half for the festivities at the synagogue. We supply everything you need.

Jewish U.: Pesah Cleaning and Kashering — Is the Hassle Worth It?
Sunday, Mar 16th 10:00a to 11:00a

Caregivers Support Group
Monday, Feb 17th 6:00p to 7:00pGather on the third Monday of each month to share caregiving experiences, resources, and strategies for interacting with a love one who may have impaired memory and needs special attention.

Senior Luncheon: How Did Beth Meyer Synagogue Look the First Time You Saw It?
Tuesday, Feb 25th 12:00p to 1:30p