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B'nai Torah Experience (Adult B'nai Mitzvah)

 Welcome to our B'nai Torah Experience! Many of you have attended an information session already, but here are a few reminders. 
  • The fee for this experience is $360 (which can be billed if you are logged in to your ShulCloud account).  If finances are an obstacle, please reach out to Jonathan Wertheim. 
  • If you are “all in” and you have an interest in partnering with me to organize additional events, i.e. a potluck Shabbat dinner and other emergent events based on the group’s interest, please let me know!  I would love to have a partner (or two)! 
  • If you still have questions or concerns after the information session, please send them my way.  E-mail is great!           
Just as a reminder, here are the building blocks of what you are signing onto: 
1) Take at least one semester of Sharon Mills’ Hebrew classes (Hebrew 101, 102, 103, Shabbat Liturgy, or Torah Trope) over the course of the year.  Please register on line now or connect with Sharon Mills to figure out your course of study:
2) An Individual Session with Rabbi Jenny (September and October) to explore your learning goals. Each participant will take on an area of learning, one aspect of spiritual practice, and one act of service in the synagogue that you find meaningful.
3) Four Group Sessions with Rabbi Jenny for Jewish learning and social bonding. Sept. 17, Nov. 12, Dec. 3, and Jan. 14, 7:30-8:45 pm
4) Three Sessions with Rabbi Eric (two group sessions and one individual session in the spring) to learn how to give a d’var torah and to craft your own Torah offering for the celebratory Shabbat at the end of this experience. March 11 and 18, 7:30-8:45 pm.  
5) Participants will be matched for a year of havruta learning (studying the weekly Torah portion with a buddy with a guiding text).  
You are highly encouraged to participate in at least one of the following (along with all of the other adult education offerings throughout the year). All registration links are on-line: 
  • ​​​​​​Jewish YOU Sessions (8 monthly sessions, Sundays, 10-11 AM).  First one is Sept. 8.
  • Torah learning with Rabbis Eric, Jenny, and Amy Ripps (weekly, Wednesdays, 11 AM-12 PM). First session is Oct. 30.
  • ​​​​Meditation Sits with Rabbi Jenny and the Institute for Jewish Spirituality (Monday-Friday, 12:30-1 PM, Rabbi Jenny leads the session once a month).  First one Jenny leads is Sept. 9.
Our special celebratory Shabbat and Kiddush will take place May 31, 2025.  There will be a handful of other events which emerge based on the group’s interests, rehearsing/preparing for our special Shabbat on 5/31, etc., but dates are still TBD.  We’ll do our best to find times that work for all (or most) of the group.

L’shalom— in peace, 

A $360 fee will be billed to your account. 
Wed, January 22 2025 22 Tevet 5785